Forwarder’s liability insurance

Accurately customised protection for transport companies

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About the product

Liability coverage for transport-related risks

Transport always harbours the risk of a loss or claim - due either to an accident, theft, incorrect storage or other transport-related risks. If an unforeseeable liability claim arises as a result, accurately-customised forwarder’s liability insurance protects against potentially significant financial losses.

As one of the largest transport underwriting agents, WECOYA MARINE specialises in providing you with the best possible insurance for the commercial transport of cargo. With our professional expertise, we support brokers, insurer companies, carriers, freight forwarders and other transport companies from risk analysis to claims settlement.

Your benefits with WECOYA MARINE:

  • Comprehensive insurance protection for your legal liability
  • Services tailored precisely to your individual needs
  • Worldwide network for rapid support in the case of a claim
  • Personalised advice from risk analysis to claims settlement
  • Many years of experience and professional expertise as a transport underwriting agent

You can obtain these forwarder’s liability insurances from us:

  • Carrier liability insurance (for forwarding and freight carrier activities with their own HGV)
  • Freight forwarder liability insurance (for companies subject to mandatory insurance pursuant to Section 7a of the GüKG (German Road Haulage Law)
  • Combination options with transport and comprehensive insurances
  • Logistics insurances

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